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Trinity Bible Church

About Our Church






We are a Bible-teaching church in Bristol, PA teaching verse by verse through God’s Word each week at 1229 Newport Road West Bristol, PA.  We are an Independent Bible Church with No Denominational ties, proclaiming God's truth as it is revealed in His Holy Word, The Bible.  We Believe that "All have sinned and come short of God's glory," We believe that God provided atonement through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, on Calvary's cross and confirmed His approval of this sacrifice by Christ's bodily resurrection from the dead on the third day.  We further believe that whosoever confesses themselves a sinner and Jesus Christ as their Savior, are saved from wrath and receive the gift of Eternal Life.  We believe in Jesus' promise to return to receive us unto Himself, and until that time, we are to evangelize the world, as God commanded us to do.

If you want a place to learn God’s Word, Serve, Give and Grow in your Faith, we welcome you to join us as we take this exciting journey together, watching the Lord build His Church. We pray this will be God’s work and not ours and that it will have a lasting impact on Our City, Our Country and Our World. You are invited to worship with us. A warm and loving welcome awaits you.


Our Mission is to:

Exalt the Living God,

Examine the Word of God,

Encourage the Family of God,

Engage the world with the Message from God.


“The Great Commission is OUR MISSION”



© 2025, Trinity Bible Church
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